
Be a Breed Apart

Driving along a local road recently, I spied a sign that read “Dog Waste Removal Service” with a phone number handwritten below. Somewhat bemused by this advertisement, I began to guess at its meaning. Is this is a service that comes into a home and cleans up after your Shih Tzu has a weekend-long kegger, […]

Get a Little Freaky

Before you think this publication of ours has gone off the deep end, hear me out. The title of this edition has to do with a popular series of books from Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner titled Freakonomics, Super Freakonomics, and Think Like a Freak. It’s very likely that many of you have […]

Dethroning the King

There’s an old saying that you hear bandied about a great deal in the real estate/mortgage world, and it’s “Always wear clean underwear.” Wait, that’s not it (but I wouldn’t pass up on heeding that advice either)! The saying is “Cash is king.” Sure, there’s something much sexier about having an aluminum attaché case with […]

The Naked Truth About Success

At the gym recently, I walk into the pool area where there’s only one other guy who’s busy getting ready to swim a few hundred miles – I can tell by the swim cap he’s wearing that he’s serious about all of this. I get into the pool and do some stretching (so I can […]

44 Ounces of Wisdom

I walked into a local Circle K recently to grab a quick fountain drink – I don’t need anyone telling me how soda is bad for me and my kidneys, so just go with me on this – when I looked up and saw there was a small dispenser that you could use to add […]
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