
Just Smile

Some have compared the excitement of watching a baseball game to watching paint dry (and to others, that’s a tad offensive to paint), but the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians certainly gave it their all and took it not only to the last of seven games for the World Series to be decided but […]

Trust Your Gut

In practically every aspect of our lives these days, we rely on data. Either it’s data we seem to use up too frequently on our phone plans during the month or it’s data concerning something that’s coming up in our lives on which we need to make a decision – and in both cases, if […]

Giving for a Good Cause

When you volunteer to give blood, you show up at the designated location (i.e. school, church, illegal cock fight, etc.) and wait to be called by one of the technicians. Once they call you, you’re ushered over to a temporary cubicle away from prying eyes so they can ask you 348 health questions in 30 […]

Showcase Showdown

The game show “The Price is Right” – the show where 95% of what they give away is total garbage (fireproof bathmats in the shape of Ecuador, really?) – is probably each child’s first exercise in trying to guess how much something costs. Admit it, you sat glued to the TV set either screaming at […]

Wedded Blitz

Recently, we were invited to a wedding, and I was reminded that we needed to get the happy couple a gift. Tradition teaches me that you get a gift to help them “establish” a new home, which makes perfect sense for two young kids who are fresh out of college, for example, and they’re moving […]
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