
Everybody Calm Down

At the end of last year, the Federal Reserve did something ghastly! They raised rates by a whole .25%. Egad! (I believe that’s an Olde English word meaning, “what the heck!”) Before we get our English riding pants in a twist, let me put something in perspective: this rate increase is only the second one […]

Saving Money is Music to Your Ears

For all the “old” people out there, you’ll instantly know the name Daryl Hall. For those of you who are still on your original set of adult teeth (perhaps because you got your braces off fairly recently), Daryl Hall is a musician (the blonde half of the duo Hall & Oates – the one who […]

Unlimited Data Can Be Confusing

If I were to walk up to you and ask you to explain your cell phone plan to me, that would be relatively easy, right? You have three phones, two of which are smart phones so you pay an upcharge of $XX, and you get 4GB of data each month (you usually use just over […]

Someday is Today

I’m not exactly sure why the new year is what prompts so many of us to draw up a list of “resolutions” that might include losing 15 lbs., being nicer to the dog, and beating out Brad Pitt and George Clooney on the “Sexiest Man Alive” list, but this time of year seems to be […]

Paperless, Not Brainless

Full disclosure: what you’re about to read is a full-blown commercial – no lie. While I’m fairly confident it will be better than 95% of the commercials you’re forced to watch between episodes of your favorite reality show (which is a sort of commercial in and of itself, really), I won’t go so far as […]
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