
Change: the Only Sure Thing

Which headline is better for grabbing your attention and prompting you to read the article to which it’s attached: “Credit Reports to Exclude Certain Negative Information, But Read on to See if This Even Applies to You” or “Credit Reports to Exclude Certain Negative Information, Boosting FICO Scores”?  Obviously, the former is less than tantalizing […]

Does Your Dog Bite? (And Other Pertinent Questions)

In the final act of the movie The Pink Panther Strikes Again, Inspector Clouseau visits a quaint country inn located in the Bavarian Alps where he and the innkeeper use English as their common language – the accents are cheesy, to say the least. At any rate, as Clouseau has picked up his room key […]

An Indelible Lesson

This is a reprint from about nine months ago, but I thought the timing is right to revisit this subject.  Recently, I saw this gentleman at the gym whose upper body was almost entirely covered in tattoos.  I struck up a conversation with him and learned that it took well over 100 hours, and it […]

Inventory is Low, Opportunity is High

When a real estate agent hears the term “low inventory” these days, 9 times out of 10 you’ll see them make a face like they’ve just been told they’re about to receive a mandatory colonic.  (Quite often, that tenth person really enjoys colonics, so it’s sort of hard to gauge how they feel about . […]

Rates are Overrated

Buckle up and get ready to have your mind blown! Okay, it’s not THAT mind blowing – some of you might even say, “well, duh” – but it’s still interesting. The economists (that’s a fancy term for “the smart folks”) at the New York Federal Reserve published the results of a study, which reveal that […]
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