
Flippers Finding Hard Money’s Soft Landing

Until recently, flippers who don’t have an unlimited source of income have had to get a hard-money loan to acquire properties and rehab them for the flip – and until that property was sold, flippers had to pay HIGH interest on that hard-money loan.  Ouch! Now, as a flipper, you can obtain your hard-money loan […]

Mortgage Magic, Wand Not Necessary

Back in 2000, a little-known Irish quartet had a sleeper hit on the airwaves here in the United States called “Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of.”  (Check it out on YouTube, if you’re curious.)  It’s a catchy tune about one friend trying to tell another that just dwelling on something isn’t going […]

Every Story Needs an Editor

Context and perspective!  Those are two concepts that are more and more important by the day as we now live in a time when it’s so incredibly easy to take things out of context and see them solely through someone else’s perspective.  Don’t worry, I’m not going to get all political on you – I’ll […]

Take a New York Minute and Consider

We have a man who works in our office – we’ll call him Rex – who lived in New York City in the late 1980s. This was a time before Times Square was populated by the Lego and M&M stores and taking the subway to The Bronx to watch a Yankees game was a bit […]

A Tale of Two City Homes

Even though I’ve sort of borrowed the title from a 19th-century classic of literature as my own title, I’d like to tell you about another book I recently read.  I’ll sum up the basic premise of the book with a quote from the author in an interview he gave to The Huffington Post:  “If your […]
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