
An Age-Old Concept Reaping Future Rewards

Why are social media like Facebook and Instagram so darn popular among real estate and mortgage folks?  Hint: the top reason might be an endless supply of memes, cat videos, and the chance to be snarky, but the other reason runs a VERY CLOSE second.  Give up?  Answer: They’re free – and they really help […]

A Dream Kitchen . . . For An Investor

Any mortgage company that . . . exists won’t lend on a house with a kitchen that looks like this, right?  And that’s the reason investors who have the cash (or have a connection to someone who does have the deep pockets) are able to come in and snatch up these properties – quite often […]

Perspective Produces Progress

Each week I try to write something that will either make you think about a rather humdrum mortgage/real estate topic in a new way or at least clear the cerebral cobwebs.  Admittedly, some weeks I’m better at accomplishing that than others – my apologies for those “off” weeks.  As I’ve been trying to come up […]

Housing Shortage: Love is the Answer!

I recently came across a survey conducted by a company called CentSai that involved 2,050 Americans aged 18-34. The major upshot: Millennials are far more traditional about home buying than previously believed.  Let’s take a look at some of the stats from the survey:      •91% will use an online site or mobile app […]

He-Man: Lifetime Renter?

In this newsletter, I’ve tried to deliver wise advice and insights that might help you navigate your daily journey through the real estate and mortgage world.  I’ve tried to keep it lighthearted so at least some of the stuff you learn here might come in handy during a spirited game of Trivial Pursuit. You could […]
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