
Perception is Reality

Recently, I came across an article about the top grossing movies of all time, and my mind immediately ran to the likes of Titanic and Star Wars.  However, the author of the article factored inflation into the equation to determine which movie truly had the greatest draw with the public – his argument was that […]

This is Only a Test

Okay, it’s not really a test – it’s more like a quiz, but it doesn’t have the same verbal POW when you say, “This is only a quiz.” Do you feel me?  Yes, the photo above does depict an actual TEST of an explosive device, but I promise you that this quiz and its answers will […]

Pucker Up

Recently, I saw an infographic either on Facebook or Instagram (which means it HAS TO BE TRUE) that read something like this: “80% of all plane crashes occur in either the first 3 minutes or the last 8 minutes of a flight.”  Hmmmm.  I guess that’s one way to look at the data – and […]

Credit’s Costs, Part II

Right up front, I’m going to admit that this week’s edition is going to be HEAVILY borrowed – nay, copied word for word – from an article recently written by Ken Harney, a gentleman who covers housing issues on Capitol Hill for The Washington Post Writers Group.  He does a great job of citing rules […]

The Beauty of Ugly

There’s an old saying, “A face only a mother could love.”  (I can assure you it was invented centuries before I was born.)  That saying, though, does remind me of the actor Steve Buscemi.  Most everyone knows he’s made a career for himself being the “weird looking guy” in movies, and I’m going to take […]
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