
The Spooky Truth

Do you have that friend or family member who pronounces a fairly common word incorrectly on a regular basis? Or, do you know someone who’s pretty intelligent but consistently conjugates one particular verb incorrectly? I have a friend of almost 20 years when something isn’t quite going his way, he gets “fustrated” – this friend […]

KNOWING is Half the . . . Problem

If you’ve learned one thing from reading these columns, it’s this: I don’t read a ton of books by or about the French philosopher Descartes or spend large amounts of money traveling the world to view the Masters’ paintings in far-flung museums – my entertainment and sources of knowledge run to the more . . […]

Foreclosure and Fate

Back in 1835, an Austrian physicist by the name of Schrodinger devised a way to explain quantum physics (and impress women) by placing a cat inside a sealed box with a vial of poisonous gas that could break at any moment and kill the unwitting feline.  The crux of this exercise was this: until one […]

Avoiding the “B” Word in Lending

Let’s open this week’s column with a quote from Dr. Ben Carson, head of the United States Department of Urban Development – also known by it’s much cooler street nickname of HUD (which is not to be confused with the Paul Newman movie of the same name): “Bureaucrats are people who think their rules are […]

September’s Real Estate Statistics

In September, 1,212 properties were sold. The median sales price rose to $206,915 (up nearly 8% from the last month and nearly 17% from last September). There were 18% more new listings than last month, bringing the total number of active listings to 3,587. The average days on market is currently 42. Full Statistics   […]
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