
Don’t Wait for the Rate

  Buckle up and get ready to have your mind blown! Okay, it’s not THAT mind blowing – some of you might even say, “well, duh” – but it’s still interesting.  The New York Federal Reserve’s economists recently published the results of a study: changes in down payment requirements have MORE influence over home buyers’ willingness […]

Don’t Trust Whispers

  When I was a young whippersnapper, I played a game with my fellow whippersnappers –both boys and girls –called Telephone Line.  I’m sure most of you have played this game in one form or another, whether it was called “Telephone Line” or something else.  You would sit in a circle –the more people the […]

Operation Homeowner

  In the early days of Word War II, before the United States joined in the fray, England’s European allies were quickly and systematically falling to the Nazi war machine. England, on its tiny island, was the David to Germany’s Goliath. Germany had an unparalleled advantage with an abundance of technological, industrial, and intellectual wealth […]

The Cost of Free

  Lately, I have had a number of borrowers come to me specifically with the desire to purchase a home using a down-payment-assistance program.  These programs take on many different looks, but the gist is basically the same: someone is willing to give a borrower a percentage of the purchase price of a home to […]

The Naked Truth About Real Estate & Lending

  For those of you who are paying attention, you might remember that I wrote about an experience I had at my local gym with a gentleman who was heavily “inked” – that’s the cool way of saying he had tattoos, in case any of you are wondering. As we sat in the sauna, he […]
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Tucson, AZ 85704


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